
Chocolate Maple Almond Energy Bites

You’ll notice from previous posts that I’m all about quick and easy food options to support the fast-paced world we live in. That being said, I don’t like to sacrifice flavour, and these little treats will not disappoint. The chocolate-lover in me is...

Oven Roasted Chickpeas

Oven roasted chickpeas are a great protein-rich snack option. They make for a crunchy treat on their own while watching tv, a crouton replacement for a salad, or an addition to vegetable soup. The crunch is maintained when consumed fresh out of the oven, but can still...

Black Bean Quinoa Protein Bowl

I love a quick lunch option that can be made in bulk and enjoyed for a few days, and this black bean quinoa protein bowl is just that. Leftovers are such a time saver and an important part of helping us stay on a healthy track in our home. Leftovers and crock pots, I...

Warm Oatmeal with a Protein Punch

With the temperature dropping our bodies are no longer craving cold foods like smoothies. Warm oatmeal has become the alternative in our home. As a general rule I’m not crazy about oatmeal, so I’ve been modifying the typical oatmeal with brown sugar...