Appointments with Snow Naturopathic

Initial Appointment
Your first visit will involve the gathering of a detailed health history, a focused physical examination and a discussion of your personal health goals. At this time, Dr. Karen may request specific laboratory testing for further insight into your current state of health. All of the information gathered at this appointment will help tailor your comprehensive treatment protocol to your specific health needs. The visit will take about 60 minutes.

Second Appointment
Your second visit will involve a detailed discussion and explanation of your individualized treatment plan based on the first visit and any test results. In office treatment will may also begin (i.e. Acupuncture, B12 injections). This visit will take about 30 minutes.

Follow-up Appointments
Follow-up visits allow for careful monitoring of on-going treatment plans and general wellness check-ups. This may include regular acupuncture treatments, B12 injections, or ear lavage. These visits will take about 30 minutes.