
Grocery shopping can be a real chore for some, but I like to look at it as a necessary step to improve your energy, fuel your body, and be well. There are many challenges faced at the store, along with many opportunities. Here are my top 5 tips for grocery shopping success:

  1. Don’t grocery shop hungry. We’ve all heard it, but it is so true. Hunger can bring out the worst in us as we look for a quick way to satisfy our continuously dropping blood sugar. Have a snack and a meal before grocery shopping to reduce the risk of picking up gummy bears, chocolate, or whatever your downfall is.
  2. Stick primarily to the outside aisles. Shop the perimeter of the grocery store for fresh food that will nourish your body…and avoid the “food” that will last for several years on your shelf. I tend to jump into the health food aisle for some brown rice pasta, rice crackers, and organic soups. Go with a plan, and move through accordingly.
  3. Try something new. Try and new fruit or vegetable to maintain a diet full of variety. Your nutrition and energy levels will thank you..and you never know, it might be something you grow to love! Aim to ‘eat a rainbow’ every single day by choosing a wide spectrum of colourful whole foods.
  4. Make a list. Preparation and planning can help you stick to your budget, avoid extra trips to the store, and keep your health in check. If we plan ahead, we stay on task and lower our chances of making poor on-the-spot decisions.
  5. Food Prep. Wash and chop your vegetables immediately after grocery shopping for quick and easy snacks for the week. This also increases the likelihood of consuming all of your produce before the food goes to waste. Chopped carrots, peppers, cucumber and celery are great snacks, pre-package your own snacks for healthy options.

What are some tips that you have for maintaining grocery shopping success? Comment below!

In Health,

Dr. Karen