September is here again and it’s back to the routine that the fall season brings. Whether it’s back to school or back to fall programs, it can be challenging to find the time to eat well. Here are a few tips and tricks to help make this transition a little easier.
- Fresh fruit is key, it’s all the sweet your kids need. Wash and chop ahead of time or try colourful fruit kebabs to increase excitement
- Replace the juice box with flavoured water or smoothies in a travel mug (coconut milk, frozen fruit, ½ banana, hemp seeds)
- Chop and wash vegetables on Sunday for a large bag for grab and go snacks. Individually package veggie sticks for a snack with hummus or toss them in a stir fry for a quick dinner before the evening run around
- Snack mixes for a nut-free trail mix. Get the kids involved in combining seeds of choice (pumpkin and sunflower) and dried fruit (apricots, dates, raisins, blueberries). Add dark chocolate chips if desired
- WOW butter snack bites, no baking necessary
- 1 cup rolled oats
- ½ cup WOW butter (nut free!)
- 1/3 cup honey or maple syrup
- 1/4 cup freshly ground flaxseeds
- ½ cup mini chocolate chips or raisins
- 1 Tbsp sesame seeds
- 1 Tbsp chia or hemp seeds
- 1 tsp vanilla
- pinch of salt
Directions: Combine ingredients in a large bowl, then let sit in fridge for 10 minutes. Spoon out and roll balls to desired size and place on baking sheet. Store in fridge for up to 1 week. *Modified from
Leftovers from the night before in a thermos are great to save time and energy. Invite your child to be involved in the process of choosing vegetables and fruits for their lunch to increase the likelihood of consumption. By providing a complete breakfast and colourful nutritious lunch, you are equipping your children with the tools they need to have a productive day and improved focus and attention.
Happy September to all of my teacher and student patients!
What are your favourite healthy snacks to bring to school?
In Health,
Dr. Karen